Friday, November 4, 2011

Realtor standards?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears the Real Estate industry is still ripe with fraud.

Here is my best advice for sellers trying to sell in today's market. This will ensure you receive ALL offers and not what your Realtor wants to show you. Yes, they are supposed to present all offers, but they may not. How do you really know?

Demand your realtor list your email address in the private comments of your properties MLS listing...assuming they did in fact list it in the MLS and haven't kept a pocket listing.

Simply create a new gmail address at show you can trash it after your closing. Tell your Realtor to add this email address for ALL offers in the private remarks section of the MLS listing. This area is only available to MLS agents.  Now you'll know you are getting all offers and prevent your Realtor from selling to a friend at a reduced price.

Hint Hint...This save asset managers from unscrupulous Realtors as well...