Wednesday, December 23, 2009

FHA is gonna make you dig deeper!

FHA's reserves are not what they used to be. FHA reserves should be around 2% but are rumored to run at .5% or less. One this is for sure, when FHA needs to change and tighten up the borrower is one that will be required to pay. Some say these coming changes will increase the liquidity of FHA and help prevent future foreclosures by requiring more down payment higher insurance premiums and higher qualifying standards. One this is certain. It will cost more to buy or refinance a home through FHA. see the following article for more information.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Google Voice

OK. A little off topic, but well worth it. I have recently begun testing Google Voice provided by...Google of course. For me, the service uses my existing cell phone number and basically replaces my voice mail and converts my voice messages into text based emails and text messages. As a person who receives a large number of voice mails everyday, the service is fantastic. I can easily be talking on the phone, miss a call, and immediately have a transcript of the voice mail on my handheld android in seconds. It also provides a link to the actual voice mail so yo ucan listen as well. Of course there is a call in number for your voice mail as well so you can get voice mails the traditional way from your cell phone. Good job Google. I normally don't endorse these services, but this one truly delivers a greater level of service to my cleints, and that is priceless. The service also allows for text messaging from your computer. While I haven't tested this yet, the voice mail feastures alone make this something to get onboard with.